Consent of the website
user to the processing
of personal data
The pixel is given from the technical domain .
The data is stored on servers in the territory of the Russian Federation.
The pixel assigns a unique coockie ID
to monitor a portion of the user's media consumption.
Personal data collection is excluded in the pixel.
What data does the pixel collect?:

1) User data:

— Unique request ID
— Unique user ID in the system
— User's IP address
— Referral link from the request source page
— GET the parameters of the referral link
— Link to the request source page
— GET the parameters of the request source page
— Operating system
— Version of the operating system
— Browser
— Browser version
— Screen resolution
— The unique identifier of the site from which the request came
— Time of record creation
— Browser language
— Device (phone, tablet, computer)
— The unique identifier of the user's coockie

2) Data on the user's time on the page:

— Unique request ID
— Time spent on the site
— The height of the page the user was on
— Coordinates of the mouse cursor on the site
— The time of creation of this record

3) Event data on the page:

— Unique identifier of each event
— The time of creation of this record
— Unique user ID